It's been awhile since I've updated. I've been pretty busy lately and most of my computer time is used moving and re-vamping my website right now. I can't wait to have it completed so that I can work on some of my other goals that I have for myself and my art this year.
So, one of the things that I was busy with was a 2-week class called, Rule Free Photography by the fabulous Vivienne McMaster. She is super fun and such an encouragement for you to just have FUN with your photography. {If you ever have a chance to take one of her classes, do it!}
Here are a few of the pics that I did for the class...
These first 2 were taken not looking through the viewfinder. It was fun to see some of the shots that my camera found without too much help from me:)
These 3 were "3 second compositions". I already pretty much compose a shot in my mind before I even aim my camera so I did find this exercise challenging. Instead, I made myself just not over think things.
This was a shot from the "blurry" exercise. It was fun and I can see it's place but between US it made me woozy looking through everyone's photos for this task! Not sure I'll be doing this much in the future...
These 2 were taken of objects that I wouldn't normally photograph. I basically looked for awesome shapes, lines, and textures instead of an interesting subject.
I'm glad that I took the class! I found myself using some of the prompts just today and I hope to take another of Vivienne's classes in the future!
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