
{little bliss list 3/16}

I am participating in the weekly Little Bliss List over on Liv Lane's blog.

Liv's mission is to provide us a chance to celebrate the little things that bring us hope and happiness during our week. By sharing those little things, it helps others to see those small gifts in their lives as well!

 {No. 1} Last weekend we took the whole crew to see The Lorax. I work nights, so it's a treat for me to be able to actually go WITH the family to the theater!
{i won't mention that i fell asleep 1/3 into it...lol!}

{No. 2} I'm not much of a "coffee" girl, but the weather has been COLD and RAINY and WINDY here in Washington. Hubby introduced me to mocha breves and they've helped me endure the weather this week at work:)

{No. 3} Speaking of weather...I am enjoying my cheerful polka-dotted umbrella that helps me weather the storms. 
{i have also been daydreaming of warmer climates this week! a girl can only take so much rain, you know?!}

{No. 4} My Grammy went back home to Texas on Sunday:( But before she left, she spent some time with my 4 year old "flower-bombing" my front yard:) They make me smile every time I come or go.

and finally...

{No. 5} I spent some time with The Mister at the bowling alley this week. {we actually met at this very place 18 years ago!} After many years of working hard at his career and raising little kidlets, he's taken it up again. I am so happy to see him taking time for himself and doing something that he truly enjoys!

So, that's my list! 
I hope your week was just as bliss-full!


  1. Stopping by from liv's bliss list. Love yours! Nancy

  2. Cool umbrella. I love your prime roses tool. Nice bliss list.

  3. Love your bliss list...that umbrella is awesome!

  4. Polka Dots are awesome! I like the flowers too. Your family can flowerbomb my yard ANYTIME!!
