
{my new art}

Here are the photos of my new work that I promised. I am *loving* encaustics! I am so drawn to the texture encaustic medium adds to a piece. So rich and so beautiful...

{"Golden Moments" 8X8 mixed media encaustic}

{"No Winter Lasts Forever" 5X5 mixed media encaustic}

{"Beauty Exists For Those Who See It" 5X5 mixed media encaustic}

{"The Weather's Fine" mixed media encaustic}

{"Autumn Morning" 5X5 mixed media encaustic}

{"Purity" 8X8 mixed media encaustic}

All of them are now available in my new shoppe. 

I am a little {ok, A LOT!} intimidated to send my art out into the world. I kind of just have to "not think about it" and just do it. Sort of a pretend to be brave until you're not pretending anymore kind of mentality.

I am trusting in that quote that I blogged a few days ago:

"Sometimes, if you aren't sure about something, you have to just jump off the bridge and grow wings on your way down."
{Danielle Steel}

Here's to new wings!

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