
{little bliss list 2/17}

I am participating in the weekly Little Bliss List over on Liv Lane's blog.

Liv's mission is to provide us a chance to celebrate the little things that bring us hope and happiness during our week. By sharing those little things, it helps others to see those small gifts in their lives as well!

{№1}My Mom moved here from Phoenix!

{№2}Me and The Mister stole away to Starbucks for a lunch date this week.

{№3} We also celebrated our 14 year anniversary.
{I celebrated with a glorious lavender essence creme brulee for dessert!}

{№4}I am continuing to listen {my word for the year!} to my true self and learning to stand in my own light.

{№5}Part of the "standing in my own light", is trusting my artistic voice for once, and creating pieces that are truly my own creations. Not taking another's design and changing it - creating from MY heart.
{new jewelry line coming soon!}

I hope your week was just as bliss-full!


  1. Jennifer - beautiful photographs and love your bliss list. So glad I found your blog - I will return.

  2. You have a lot to celebrate ... your Mom's move, your 14 year anniversary. Life is bliss! Beautiful images. Nice to meet you. Wishing you well.

  3. I've just found your blog via liv Lane's and am so glad I have, it's beautiful. Em ♥

  4. Jen, I'm also delighted I've found your blog, because you're the Jen who has joined my Flickr group and I've been trying to find you! Thanks for joining, I'm really looking forward to seeing your photos. Em ♥

  5. Came here from Liv Lane's blog hop. Sounds like you had a great week!

  6. congrats on 14 years together. It sound like you had a wonderful week together.
    Thanks for sharing your list. i enjoyed reading it.

  7. Wonderful list and I love the photos. May you have a blessed and blissful day.

  8. Love your list, Jen, and the photos are gorgeous. The new jewellery looks interesting, too. Nice to connect with you!

  9. Congrats on your 14 years together! Such beautiful photos ! Thank you or sharing. Love &Grace, AnsLisa

  10. Fantastic list and beautiful photos to go along with it. Congratulations on 14 years!
