
{dream...a little list}

Take some online photography classes | Visit Paris and photograph the Eiffel Tower |
Pay off all credit cards | Open an Etsy shop or website with my original art |
Take the kids to Disneyland | Fit into a size 8 | Own a cottage house with room for a garden |
| Sit on a beach in Maui with Michael and renew our vows to each other privately | 
See my art in a book or magazine | Attend an art or photography retreat | Write a magazine article | Write a book | Teach an art class or seminar at a retreat | Buy a property with room for a studio and animals | Own a funky retro car | Raise caring, loving, respectful, and responsible children |

This is my on-going dream list. Many are focused around my art + photography. Now that I have found my {artistic voice} - I feel that I can start overcoming my fears and pursuing some of these dreams. 

Do you have a dream list? If so, I'd love for you to share it!

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