
{i am a winter artist}

I've been quietly observing and have come to the realization that there are "winter" artists and there are "summer" artists. {Some swing back and forth but most seem to lean one way or the other.}

"Winter" artists tend to use a neutral or more muted palette and evoke the emotions of quiet happiness, calmness, melancholy, or angst. "Summer" artists however tend to use bright candy-colored palettes to evoke a more joyful happy, playfulness, or even sass in their work.

I myself, feel that I am a "winter" artist. Once the weather turns cold and dark {both literally and/or figuratively} I seem to nestle into my studio where it's warm and toasty, seemingly to overcome built up layers of cold wind or rain.

With paintbrush {or lately needle} in hand, colors and textures reveal themselves to mimic my moods and/or thoughts, longings, and desires.

I settle in as if I have something signifigant to overcome, and ultimately share with the World.

Sometimes I walk away satisfied - but sometimes I don't. That never discourages me from returning the next time - pressing on.

For an artist, every day, like every season, is different. Each one revealing new landscape that must be explored.

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