
{the first step}

"The discipline of writing something down is the first step towards making it happen."
{Lee Iacocca}

I have decided to start blogging again. I've spent the last 2 weeks writing and re-writing that dreaded "first post". I've decided to speak from my heart and get something {anything!} down on here so that I can move forward.

I have had quite a few blogs in the past and I've always hit a sort of writer's block and ended up quitting. It seems that once I get readers there is a certain pressure that I feel to perform and make sure that what I say is interesting enough to publish. Since I don't consider myself much of a writer, I end up with performance anxiety and it is no longer fun and becomes more of a chore and source of stress for me.

Well, 2011 was my year of FOCUS {my word for the year} and I did a lot of growing and ultimately discovering my true self again. More about that in another post perhaps, but I've given myself permission to fill this blog with just me. Things that I'm feeling or thinking or creating or even just a photograph that I took of something that I found beautiful. No pressure to fill this space with clever, witty, or humorous words. Just my artistic life how I see it. Hopefully you will visit and be inspired too.

Till next time,


  1. Welcome back to blogging. I am right there with ya - my word this year is CREATE! I was new to blogging last year and still finding my wings in this area. Your blog is beautiful!

    Loved your post on Jan's comment it was very touching and I can relate so much and it lead me to your blog!

    I am fortunate to be a STAM now after working a very stressful crazy job for years. So I am hoping to take full advantage of the year ahead of me.

    Cant wait for your next post! :-)
    your fellow flyer - Dayle

    1. Dayle,

      Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments:) I can't believe I posted all of that right on Facebook! I am a pretty shy person and would usually send something like that in an email or message but not post it in "public". Glad someone can relate though! I think it helps to know that other people have the same thoughts and struggles that we do and that we are not "crazy":)

      How great that you get to stay home! Take advantage of the time you have at home with your babies. I'd give {almost} anything to have that privilege again!
